
1. LAT Desmognathus ochrophaeus Cope
2. RUS аллеганская саламандра f
3. ENG mountain (dusky) salamander
4. DEU Alleghany-Bachsalamander m, Alleghany-Salamander m
5. FRA
Ареал обитания: Северная Америка

Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Амфибии и рептилии. — М.: Русский язык. . 1988.

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Смотреть что такое "Alleghany-Salamander" в других словарях:

  • Allegheny — (or its variants Allegany or Alleghany) is the name of several places, mainly in the eastern United States. The name derives from the Allegheny River of New York and Pennsylvania and originally comes from the Lenape (Delaware) Indian language.… …   Wikipedia

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  • Virginia Units in the Civil War — Virginia provided the following units to the Virginia Militia and the Provisional Army of the Confederate States during the American Civil War.Infantry Units (PACS)Infantry Brigades*1st Virginia Brigade (Stonewall Brigade) *2nd Virginia Brigade… …   Wikipedia

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